They can't hold it together. Tags:balls laughing news-anchor
They can't hold it together. Tags:balls laughing news-anchor
Still a better love story than Twilight. Tags:desperate drone low-battery saving
'The Illumination' is a large ferrofluid display with a light in the base and reflective colored ferrofluid. Tags:colored cool displays ferrofluid nerdy science
Researchers at Queen Mary University of London built a robot octopus that mimics the way real-life octopuses move. As explained in their paper "Bio-Inspired Octopus Robot Based on Novel Soft Fluidic Actuator," their invention is equipped with a novel actuation system which is pumping air into the robot's "tentacles," allowing it to rotate and change direction almost like the real thing. Tags:cool nerdy octopus robot science
Caught that little snippet in there that Germany came in 2nd during WW2. Tags:country geography guinea name nerdy
The “splat” sound effects at the end were a fitting touch. Tags:cool making nerdy nylon satisfying science
We’re glad to see that with all of his new responsibilities, Spot still makes time to jump rope with his pals. Tags:boston dynamics nerdy robot technology
The Gömböc is a shape with only two equilibrium points—one stable and one unstable, (instead of the usual minimum of four) and is self-righting no matter how you set it down. Tags:cool matter nerdy science shape