They can't hold it together. Tags:balls laughing news-anchor
They can't hold it together. Tags:balls laughing news-anchor
Still a better love story than Twilight. Tags:desperate drone low-battery saving
Kids, this is what people had to do back in the olden days to protect our sponges. Tags:3-factor authentication drawer funny
Every single time. Tags:dogs funny pets reaction refrigerator
We’ve discovered a rainbow of siphonophores in the depths of Monterey Bay and beyond, like this stunningly scarlet species, Marrus claudanielis, described by MBARI researchers and their collaborators in 2005. The scientific name honors the husband-and-wife team Claude and Danièle Carré for their contributions to our understanding of siphonophore biology. Tags:cool nature sea siphonophores
Greyhound jumps for joy when human gets dressed. This has to mean we’re going for a walk! Tags:dogs greyhound joy jumps pets
Ryan is a self-taught musician who has been living on the street for 30 years, playing original music outside in downtown Edmonton, in Churchill Square. Tags:beautiful performance piano skill street