They can't hold it together. Tags:balls laughing news-anchor
They can't hold it together. Tags:balls laughing news-anchor
Still a better love story than Twilight. Tags:desperate drone low-battery saving
Athletes will try just about anything if it improves their performance. Tags:banned cartwheel put shot sports technique
This meteorologist didn’t know he was getting a new “crow host.” Tags:birds crow photobomb report weather
Looks cool. Tags:cheap demonstration homemade shotgun weapon
New Step Media developed the idea to show, in one first-person view, the everyday life in a school for further education in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Tags:cool drone shot technology video
Student Amelia Saad has trained her dog Arrow to be her photographer, standing still like a tripod and waiting for her to get into the perfect pose. Tags:animals cool dogs pets photography selfie